Monday, September 5, 2016

The Daughter of Smoke and Bone

Hello, today I will review a book that is called The Daughter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor:

The story is about an art student with natural blue hair in Prague named Karou.  She doesn't have a family except for Brimstone, Issa, Yasri, and Twiga who are Chimaera (devils). All she remembers is growing up raised by them.

Brimstone is a Chimaera with a human, ram, lion, and reptile attributes. He collects teeth of all kinds which he orders Karou to travel around the world to get them. Issa is a human-snake Chimaera, Twiga is a giraffe Chimaera, and Yasri is a parrot Chimaera. These Chimaera live in a place where Brimstone calls it, "Elsewhere". Karou doesn't know what or where is "Elsewhere". Brimstone and the others keep secrets away from her, which she doesn't like. Which also restrains her from telling her friends about her.

One day, when Karou is traveling around the world to collect teeth, she hears rumors that black handprints are appearing everywhere on people's front doors. These rumors also grow bigger as by passers on streets see beautiful people flying in the air. Also that their wings appear in the shadows. One pedestrian in India called them Angels. And yes, they are Angels or Seraphim as they call themselves. These Seraphim are on a mission to stop Brimstone's collection of teeth flow, which means that have to first find and kill Karou.

Akiva, the main Seraphim in this story, is willing to do anything to stop Brimstone.  He is willing to risk his life to take revenge on those who hurt him in the past. But once he and Karou meet, their life completely changes.

At first, I think I bought this book because my friend recommended it to me a while ago.  Without her talking about it, I don't think I would have picked it up because I'm not too crazy about trending fantasy genre books (just me being stubborn back then). But after reading a lot of contemporary novels, it's good to go back and read a fantasy novel once in a while. It helps you use your brain to visualize and concentrate on the details.

To be honest, I wanted to like the book more than I did. Maybe it was because I had high expectations for it since my friend recommended it to me. But overall I liked the plot, the star-crossed lovers theme, and the fantasy genre that includes Angels and Demons (which are my favorite fantasy-type genre).  It made me think, and visualize things deeply unlike contemporary novels.  It was the first time in a while that I had to sit down in a quiet place to read and focus.

Although I don't think it's a series worth buying, I still probably want to read the rest of the series sometime later. Recommended to those who love demon vs. angel fantasy YA novels.

Happy reading~:)

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